Most of the Aggies I know personally are good folks. Very few of them give me that goofy Aggy crap they do. On our way down to Austin yesterday we stopped in a little town to get some lunch. “Howdy” said 19 people I guess. I thought oh shit here we go. They advertise prime brisket. We ordered and I got to say that was the driest brisket I’ve ever had to choke down. My son loves brisket and he said it was bad. I have a nice pit and cook a lot. I’ve seen prime brisket from the market to my plate. That was most likely select and the flavor was terrible. We got to pay and the maroon clad guy couldn’t get my ticket right then gives me shit because of my cap and son’s shirt. I thought dude, you can’t count to 2, you fed me shit bbq and you’re talking Aggy shit to me and my kid. Grow up. Then I get “well we have to tell all the Longhorn fans how to do ….. they cant ever figure it out.” I just smiled shook my head and left. Those are the type that makes me hate the fanbase. If I didn’t have my son with me I would’ve gave him hell but I try to act right in front of the kids…..dude was just being a dick